Our work chips away at two of the world’s most immense, unnecessary, and unconscionable forms of suffering… the suffering of people hungry from lack of food, and the suffering of animals used and abused for food. In addition to advocacy, we partner with and assist groups to distribute vegan food to people in need, build food […]
Feeding People…
Today’s food system results in more than two billion undernourished people. Millions die every year due to hunger-related causes, while millions more die due to diseases of affluence. A world that is “well-fed” ensures enough quality food for everyone. Such food maximizes well-being and minimizes harm, thus nourishing people, protecting animals, and sustaining the planet.
Saving Animals…
Globally, 70 billion land animals die annually because of our meat-centric food system. That’s 130,000+ every minute. As some of the world’s top per capita meat consumers, U.S. consumers are responsible for more than one million farmed animal deaths every hour. Left unchecked, by 2050, the numbers could surpass 100 billion animals suffering horrific conditions and slaughter.
Cooling Climate…
The United Nations reported that animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse emissions (GHGs) than all transportation combined. Other environmental specialists concluded it is responsible for more than half of all human-caused GHGs. Regardless of production method, minimizing consumption of animal-sourced foods (meat, dairy, and eggs) is critical to reducing our climate footprint.
Why Support Us…
Our dual mission uniquely helps both people and animals in dire need. Our research and advocacy create structural change by highlighting the food security benefits of veg-friendly policies and food choices. Our programs strengthen innovative groups working on shoe-string budgets. With our vast network and low overhead, your tax-deductible donation makes a direct and meaningful difference.